What was your favorite part of the field trip?
Brooks: Leonard the tortoise.
Cecilia: Holding the snakes
What was your favorite part of the Herpetology Center?
Brooks: The tortoise.
Cecelia: The tortoise.
What was your favorite part of the planetarium?
Brooks: Seeing all of the galaxies.
Cecelia: How tiny we are compared to everything.
Do you think that you would go to Truman University when you go to college?
Brooks: No.
Cecelia: No.
What was your favorite reptile to hold in the Herpetology Center?
Brooks: One of the snakes.
Cecelia: The tortoise.
Did you like Leonard the tortoise?
Brooks: Yes.
Cecelia: Yes.
Cecilia • May 13, 2024 at 1:30 pm
You spelt my name wrong
Caroline • Apr 30, 2024 at 2:56 pm
I loved that field trip it was so fun. I loved petting all of the reptiles and the planetarium.