Last year I got my first deer. I hunt on private land and only four people hunt on that land. My dad, grandpa, brother and I,shot my deer with a 243 savage. At about 150 yards out for the stand. The deer that was shot was a 10 point buck at around 4:45 pm on a Saturday evening. When I was in the stand me and my dad saw a mama doe with two babies. At about 450 yards away in the middle of the field there was a female and a male chasing each other. A 5 pointer walked on the other side of the stand so we moved the gun and our whole setup was changed. The buck moved to the other side after being moved so we moved back. The deer at 450 yards ran into the woods, the buck was around 10 points but we weren’t for sure. After we moved back the 10 point buck came back out from the woods and we moved the whole set up with a beautiful buck in front of us. I lined up and shot and BANG the deer was dropped on the spot.
Emma • Feb 14, 2024 at 3:06 pm
Wow, that is really cool.